Pozvánka na seminář „How to publish in marketing journals?“
Vážené kolegyně, vážení kolegové,
dovolujeme si vás pozvat na vědecký workshop „How to publish in marketing journals?“, který povede Yuri Seo z University of Auckland Business School. Workshop se koná v:
- úterý 21. března od 15.00 do 18.00 v místnosti RB 359 a
- ve středu 22. března od 9.00 do 12.00 v místnosti RB 111.
Program je uveden níže. Registrujte se na této adrese.
Tuesday, 21st of March: Contextualizing a theoretical contribution in marketing: A case of interpretivist research
In this workshop, Yuri will briefly talk about the field of marketing in general. He will then talk about the ‚theoretical evolution‘ of interpretivist tradition (i.e. CCT) in marketing and what it means for emerging researchers in terms of publishing opportunities. Finally, he will talk about his recent project on e-Sports (professionalized computer gaming) and how he was ‚splitting‘ his research into three parts in order to publish it as three different papers:
- Seo, Y. (2013). Electronic sports: A new marketing landscape of the experience economy. Journal of Marketing Management, 29(13-14), 1542-1560.
Seo, Y., & Jung, S. U. (2016). Beyond solitary play in computer games: The social practices of eSports. Journal of Consumer Culture, 16(3), 635-655.
Seo, Y. (2016). Professionalized consumption and identity transformations in the field of eSports. Journal of Business Research 69(1), 264-272.
Wed, 22nd of March: Individual Consultations
Here Yuri will be happy to do individual consultations with students / academics. If they could bring their work along, or perhaps some ideas, he will be happy to advice on what potential avenues for publication could be. Also, he is Associate Editor for Journal of Global Fashion Marketing (SCOPUS), he will be happy to do a small introduction about this journal if there are some students who are interested in fashion marketing.