9. 1. 2019: Setkání Research clubu FPH

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the Research Club of the Faculty, which will take place on Wednesday 9.1. at 16:30-18:00 in room RB 436.


  1. Journal rankings and quality of journals (Ondřej Dvouletý)
  2. Open science (Štěpán Bahník)
  3. Discussion of the paper Generational Differences in Work-Related Attitudes (David A. Procházka)

You can find the discussed paper at: https://vse.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/fph/zam/centra_a_instituty/cvv/EpUXy-0NlzVHmsBEId_o-FEBrhCVpmFA2CwPyoLGNWZ__g?e=gdMug7

Presentations from previous meetings of the Research Club can be found on sharepoint of the Research support centre as well.

If you are interested in future dates of the meetings of the Research Club, they will be posted on: https://fph.vse.cz/veda/pro-zamestnance-a-doktorandy/vzdelavani-a-karierni-rozvoj/research-club-fph/

Štěpán Bahník