19. – 20. 11. 2018: Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling
Dates: Nov 19-20, 2018, 9.00 – 17.00
Room: RB 436
Registration: https://fph.vse.cz/veda/pro-zamestnance-a-doktorandy/registrace-na-seminar/?idakce=36
Teacher: Levente Littvay
Description: The course is designed to provide scholars with a basic understanding of structural equation modeling (SEM). Special attention is given to the translation of theoretical expectations into SEM, the interpretation of results in SEM analyses and the general use and misuse of SEM in the social sciences. While the course is predominantly designed to give you the knowledge of SEM we start with a quick introduction of necessary foundations like correlations, covariances, regression and factor analysis. Applications will include path models, factor analyses and structural equation models. The goal of the course is to offer a basic introduction and the foundation for students to start using and critically assessing SEM and also have the ability to independently discover and master advanced SEM statistical topics. Upon completion the students will have a basic conceptual understanding of SEM and its statistical foundations. Students will be able to critically assess the appropriateness of such techniques in their own and other people’s research and conduct SEModeling themselves to the highest academic standards.
Pre-requisites for the Class:
- The class is open to researchers (PhD students and interested faculty) as long as their prior statistical training allows. Anyone entering the course should know at least basics of regression analysis, and should have heard of factor analysis, at least at the informed consumer level.
- Participants must bring their laptops with R already installed (https://www.r-project.org/). RStudio is highly recommended as a free development environment, which helps with work with R (https://www.rstudio.com/
products/rstudio/#Desktop). A short description of installation can be found at: https://www.ics.uci.edu/~ sternh/courses/210/ InstallingRandRStudio.pdf There will no time provided for SW installation during the workshop. The course will use an R package lavaan, which can be installed using the command install.packages(„lavaan“) run from RStudio or from the menu Tools > Install Packages. - Participants who have limited knowledge of SEM and/or regression are strongly encouraged to explore the following resources:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpfE5LMnrVY
- http://www.structuralequations.com/
- Baum, J. R., Locke, E. A., & Smith, K. G. (2001). A multidimensional model of venture growth. Academy of Management Journal, 44(2), 292-303. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/199784859?accountid=17203 (available at VŠE electronic resources)
Maximum number of participants: 25 (due to limited capacity, register ASAP)